Mercy and Blessings

As Moshe saw Hashem's thirteen attributes of mercy, we, too, have merited to see divine mercy in our success at keeping school open and in-person whilst other communities have needed to close their school buildings. 

There are several points to keep in mind during the Sukkot holiday to keep health and safety at the forefront of our priorities.

Many from our community will be traveling to areas with COVID outbreaks.  Guests also will be visiting Houston from those areas.  It is crucial that all members of our community follow the precautionary guidelines agreed upon by the area shuls and Hatzalah of Houston:

  1. Anyone returning to Houston who has been exposed to COVID is to quarantine. Special caution should be taken by the families of returning students, as many schools have recently seen outbreaks.

  2. Visitors who are coming from a “hotspot” are asked to be extra vigilant while wearing a mask in public areas.

  3. Houstonians who travel to “hotspots” in other cities are asked to wear masks while in public in those cities and minimize exposure as much as possible.

  4. Those who attend shul are asked to adhere to the guidelines put forth by the shuls regarding Simchas Torah celebrations.

The communities that are seeing the resurgence of COVID have had to close shuls, schools and other mosdos. If we as a community follow these guidelines and have continued Siyata Dishmaya, we will Bezras Hashem remain healthy and not have to delay the start of our schools.

The shul is putting up a large new tent in the Portal parking lot to promote social distance and safety for all during Sukkot.  Therefore, for student drop-off and pick-up on Isru Chag, Monday October 12, please enter at the Fondren gate and drive to the end of the driveway where you will be prompted to make a U turn. You will then be directed to the pick up area. to pick up your child from school. We ask that you drive slowly through the driveway to ensure everyone's safety. 

All walking parents may come through the door near the Lazaroff residence or the gate by the ramp near the front entrance.   

Thank you for your extra attention to these important matters during this busy time.  It is my hope that, as Sukkot arrives, we are not only cognizant of Hashem's presence around us, but also sense His blessings and mercy in specific ways in our own lives.

Shabbat Shalom.


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